Marnita Jondle

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Introduction to Success

Hi. My name is Marnita Jondle and I’m a fibromyalgia and weight loss success story. I’m sure you’re wondering what that exactly means. First off, let me tell you what I’m not and that’s a scientist or a member of the medical community. What I am is a real ordinary person that is living proof obesity does have a significant negative effect on the daily pain and the ongoing symptoms of fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2002 after suffering from bronchitis that nearly turned into pneumonia. I had 14 of the 18 tender points radiating pain like I’ve never felt before in my life. And, at the time my weight was hovering around 250 plus pounds which is considered morbidly obese for my 5’4” frame.
My goal with this blog is to educate and share my journey of dealing with fibromyalgia pain and how losing over 100 plus pounds has helped my symptoms in more ways than prescription medications. I have been on a myriad number of medications ranging from flexeril, Zoloft, amitriptilyn as well as Motrin and other over –the-counter pain aids.
 I want to share my experiences and touch as many people as I can. I want to help non-suffers understand that fibromyalgia is not in my head and being obese is not just because I’m lazy. It has taken a lot of mental self talk to get me off the couch especially when I’m suffering from such acute pain that just lifting a glass of water is painful. I want others to know that although my life has changed, I’m learning to live positively and enjoy my new lifestyle. I want others to share their experiences with me so that we can deal with fibromyalgia and weight loss together. Fibromyalgia is a very real disease that effects each of those diagnosed in different ways. Let’s explore life with fibromyalgia together.

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